My passion is working with individuals and organizations looking to resolve conflicts, find solutions and enhance their leadership as they move forward.
Before we meet you will no doubt have questions about me and my services. This is the best place to get started becoming familiar with my expertise and experience but don’t let your visit to my website be a substitute for a conversation.
I am brought alive by cross-cultural work and have been heavily influenced by my work in Africa and Central Asia as well as other places in the world. My law reform consultation in Rwanda produced a national policy on alternative dispute resolution that is trauma-informed and includes both mediation and restorative justice. As an adjunct law professor I teach about both global restorative justice and lawyer leadership.
Whether it’s through consulting, mediation, coaching or training, my services are customized to every situation and circumstance. That’s not all. My experience tells me that inside every issue there are always hidden insights and solutions waiting to be discovered. They may not be what you expected but there is always value there waiting to be brought to light. Working together, you will make important discoveries, find solutions and develop the skills to make them stick.
I began my most recent initiative, NextGen Leadership, to create a diverse network of coaches and facilitators who can support organizations in becoming anti-racist and hosting beloved community.
I welcome an opportunity to speak with you, so please connect with me by clicking through to my contact page to set up an initial consultation.